Employment practices liability policies help protect businesses from lawsuits related to their employment decisions and practices. This type of insurance isn’t only meant to protect for-profit companies. Nonprofit organizations can be accused of many of the same illegal employment practices that businesses can be accused of. Employment practices liability insurance, used with other commercial policies, can help protect nonprofits from lawsuits related to their employment decisions, just as it can help protect for-profit businesses. If you run a nonprofit in or around South Burlington, Vermont, here’s why your organization should consider getting an employment practices liability policy.

An Employment Practices Liability Insurance Policy May Be Right for Your South Burlington, VT Non Profit
What is Employment Practices Liability Insurance?
An employment practices liability policy provides protection against a broad array of employment-related accusations. A few common allegations that a policy might provide protection against include the following:
Wrongfully terminating an employee
Discriminating against an employee
Not hiring a qualified employee for illegal reasons
Creating a hostile work environment
Permitting sexual harassment in the workplace
Many employment practices liability policies provide protection for incidents like these to the insured business, and many also extend coverage to the covered business’ officers, employees, and volunteers.
Why Do Non Profits Need This Kind of Protection?
Any business in South Burlington may be accused of any of these illegal practices at any point in time, which is why it’s important for companies to protect themselves with an employment practices liability policy. It’s not only for-profit businesses that can face accusations like these, though. Nonprofits can also be accused of illegal employment practices, and they can be accused by both employees and volunteers.

For example, your nonprofit organization may face an employment-related accusation or lawsuit if:
A person was unfairly prevented from volunteering because they had a handicap
A volunteer coordinator discriminated against volunteers of a particular race
Employees who weren’t disabled were favored over those who were disabled
An employee or volunteer brought forth allegations of sexual assault that were ignored
It doesn’t matter whether an employee or volunteer brings forth an allegation. Anyone who was or is formally connected with your non profit, even if they only volunteered at a single event, could make an accusation.
Any accusation could be devastating for your organization. Your nonprofit could face a lawsuit and, potentially, a large settlement that could devastate its finances. Employment practices liability insurance could help protect your organization from a covered accusation.
Where Can Nonprofits in South Burlington Get a Policy?
To get an employment practices liability insurance policy for your nonprofit organization, simply contact the independent insurance agent who can help you purchase your organization’s other insurance policies. Independent agents like ours are experts in getting South Burlington the best coverage, no matter the need!